I nostri prodotti sono solo a scopo di educazione storica e non intendono glorificare, sfruttare gli orrori e le atrocità della guerra.
1 Super realistic headsculpt
2 Body
3 Open palms
4 Relax palms
5 Palms for holding pistol
6 Visor cap
7 Side cap
8 M36 Uniform
9 White shirt
10 Grey breeches
11 Belt(with weathering)
12 Turndown collar overcoat
13 Overcoat with furred collar
14 Grey gloves
15 Monocular blindfold
16 Jackboots(genuine leather)
17 Foldable clipboard with map
18 Watch
19 Binoculars
20 Pistol with a clip and weathered holster (genuine leather)
21 SS-Obergruppenfuhrer shoulder board x 2 pairs
22 SS-Obergruppenfuhrer collar tab x 1 pair
23 Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords x1
24 Clasp to the iron cross x 2
25 Iron cross 1st class
26 Ribbon bar
27 German arm badge x 2
28 Sleeve Eagle x 2
29 Wound badge in sliver x1
30 Golden party badge of the NSDAP x1